Monday, November 23, 2009

tis the season...

we're having an early Thanksgiving with my parents tomorrow, I can't excited I already set the table. Boy does that make me feel domestic, setting the table for one, and then setting it a day in advance! Should be great, my wonderful mom is cooking the whole meal and then bringing it down to our place....ah, I love getting together with family and eating yummy food. . .

this time of year is always a wake up call for me. a wake up call of how blessed I am, of how much I have to be thankful for, of the abundance in my life, of the lack of abundance in other's lives. . .
Last week, my sister and I went to Macy's because they were having this big one day sale. . . I looked for a while, picking up things, admiring their shiny newness. . . I'd even walk around, holding the new item closely to my chest, excited about owning a new _____. and then I'd walk around long enough to remember, I already have one of those, and it works just fine. I'd walk even further, running my hand over the lovely Analon cookware, and realize my Kirkland cookware from Grandma does the trick. I walked through the bedding department, my eyes lighting up at the new Style&Co. duvet cover for fall. It was beautiful and I just had to have it. I stood there and looked at it for a while. . . then this thought popped into my often do you actually notice your duvet cover? Maybe when you walk into the room to put laundry away. . .or for those few moments after you crawl into bed before your head hits the pillow. (And honestly, when do you ever make your bed so it looks like the beds in Macy's?--Thanks but I'll save my 500bucks). With a sigh, I turned and walked toward the 20 minute long line to find my sister. . . we already have 2 duvet covers and 3 sets of sheets, I think we're good. Jill had found 3 things she couldn't live without and so I stood in line with her, listening to all the excited shoppers boast about their new purchases. the best line I heard...."I don't even need this grill pan, but it's 65% off, so I couldn't NOT buy it." Really lady? Think about what you just said. . . goodness, we are messed up. Don't even get me started about Black Friday....the whole idea of it makes me want to puke. that will be another blog to come.....
So I left Macy's with empty hands but a full heart....a full heart because God has provided for me in ways that some people dream of, and that is enough.

I'm still reading through Follow Me to Freedom...almost done, but here is a little tidbit that is my desire/dream for my life....

"When we pray for the hungry, let's remember to feed them. When we pray for the unborn, let's welcome single mothers and adopt abandoned children. When we give thanks for creation, let's plant a garden and buy locally grown fruits and veggies. When we remember the poor, let's reinvest our money in micro-lending programs. When we pray for peace, let's beat our swords into plowshares and turn military budgets into programs of social uplift. When we pray for an end to crime, let's visit those in prison. When we pray for lost souls, let's be gracious to the souls who've done us wrong."
-Follow Me to Freedom---Shane Claiborne&John Perkins

1 comment:

Bed Sets said...

I've never read your blog before, but I really enjoyed your post. And I agree with you, I have a hard distinguishing sometimes what I want from what I really need. Thank you for helping me remember that, especially this week with Thanksgiving and Black Friday. :) And that quote at the end is wonderful!