Sunday, November 7, 2010


Ok...I'm really going to try to do this blogging about cooking thing again... just for you, Ninja ;)
This week..I didn't really cook much, still being as frugal as possible until Jeremy gets home from tour, and therefore, gets paid. So this week's exciting cooking adventure didn't happen until Friday night, when my friends, Laura and Kaysha, invited me over for dinner. These girls are great, and so much fun to be in their tiny little kitchen with. Well, the kitchen isn't that small, but the lack of counter space makes it seem like we're always in each others' way....but I kind of like that.
Anyway, I asked Laura if I could do anything to help, as the only thing that was cooking, was the rice in the rice cooker (way to go, Kaysha! :) And her response was that I could get the chicken cooking. Done. On a whim, Laura (the ever talented and daring baker among us) decided to make these home-made dumplings, filled with her (amazing!) home-made applesauce....So, I was more than willing to help her with cooking dinner...
So, I got the chicken nice and browned and then asked Laura if I could do anything else. Sure, saute the garlic and shallots until they're crispy. Okay, I can do that. Next, deglaze the pan with some chicken stock. Yep, can do that too. Now, add some heavy cream. Done. Next, some freshly minced tarragon and how about some lemon zest. Done and done. Time to eat.
Essentially, I cooked a delicious dinner, Tarragon Chicken. I teased Laura about inviting me over for dinner and then making me cook...but I enjoyed EVERY minute of are my reasons why...
(for those of you that think I'm an amazing cook...I'm not that amazing...)
-I follow recipes
-I occasionally mix things up a bit, but normally not after following the recipe, strictly, the first time
-I felt empowered (such a strange word to use....)
-I felt creative
-I felt natural, it was one of the best meals I've had in a long time......Laura, thank you for making me make dinner ;)
so let's see...a recipe...
saute your chicken in some olive oil until browned and cooked through... and don't forget to season with salt and pepper (this was the only time I used S&P too...and it was the best sauce I think I've ever had)
-I left the chicken in the pan while I made the sauce (in the same pan), but you could remove it after cooking and then add back in after you've completed the sauce
-add a couple cloves minced garlic and 1 shallot thinly sliced (two of my favorite vegetables) and cook till crisp, but not burnt (you shouldn't have to add any extra oil..)
-deglaze the pan with a cup or so of chicken stock, scraping up all those browned-goodness-crumbs on the bottom of the pan
-sprinkle some flour over the surface (or you could mix it in with the cream if you're afraid of lumps...but I didn't have any) and whisk until you get a creamy consistency (I guess you could actually add the flour in after you've cooked the shallots & garlic, that's how most recipes go...but the flour was an after thought, to ensure an extra creamy sauce..)
-once the flour is incorporated, stir in a cup of heavy cream (you could use 1/2&1/2 of even regular milk..but really? ... c'mon, you deserve a rich, creamy sauce every once in a while) and cook until sauce has thickened up nicely.
-add a little lemon zest and then squeeze 1/2 a lemon into the sauce and stir....
-add a couple tbs. of freshly minced tarragon
and wha-la...dinner is done. I highly recommend serving over rice or maybe a smaller pasta, as you don't want to lose any of the sauce on your plate, and that way, you don't have to be rude and lick your plate.
So there ya go...please make this some won't regret it. Oh, and as always, this meal is best when shared.

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