Thursday, August 14, 2008


it's 109 out.
i swear squeaker's water dish was boiling over earlier.
why do people live here?
could be worse.... could have no air conditioner.
or swamp cooler in our case (which does not really compete with anything over 105)...

90210 is coming back.
the O.C. was totally the 90210 of the 21st century.
I'd rather watch Seth Cohen and Ryan Atwood.......
since it's so hot out.. i'm thinking it's time for one of those marathons.
the O.C. anyone?
c'mon we can eat ice cream, lay in front of fans, and watch some serious drama....



Candace said...

Dude! I was so hooked on O.C. season one. I have no idea what happened after that. I heard Marissa died. Is that true? Crazy. I might have to do that marathon with you. Plus I'm always down for ice cream. Bobby is gone this weekend. What do you say?

amy coverdale said...

candace- so i was home by myself all day.. watched the first 2 discs of season 1 :) i forgot how young they are! Shoot-you haven't watched the rest? oh honey.. we need to get together!

Candace said...

So I called you today. Or was it last night. now I don't remember. I really want to watch them with you. Could you come over here for baby reasons?

amy coverdale said...

candace.... yea, I was lame and didn't call you back.... i went to the chiropractor today and have been laying around with my sis drinking champagne and watching OC. i've got a paper due in my class tomorrow night.... SO when I start season 2, we're down. Atleast 1 night a week or something? jeremy and bobby can do boy stuff and we can hang with caeden, ryan, and seth... :) of course, jeremy will probably want to watch the OC too, he's kind of a fan :)

JUAN said...

Jeremy recommended the O.C. series to me.. I have to admit... not my cup of tea.. I don't think it sucks... I'm just not into that kind of a show....

Emily Branca said...

i hope that darn paper you had to write went well! we should get together one of these days... maybe head to farmers market?? that would be GRAND!