Friday, October 10, 2008


this is going to be a blog full of photos.
pictures speak louder than words right?
i'm still at a loss for words about the
Sigur Ros show.
i really wish i could convey to you
what we experienced....
oh well, you'll just have to experience it
for yourself.
same with this pie
hannah and
i have started a pie club.
maybe we'll let you in on the goodness but you'll have to pass a test first.
next week i think we're actually going for a pot pie. seriously.... marie calendars..good old marie. she knows what's up.
hannah is such an incredible girl.
i love her to death.
so young, so educated, so liberal.
conversation with her is great
i love that there is almost 10 years between us..
but there doesn't seem like there's a gap at all.
so either i'm immature for my age...
or she's mature for hers:)
i'm going with the second...
you see all the confetti in the picture at the left?
i never thought confetti could make me so happy
but wow...
i've been trying to find a video to show all the confetti but.... the sound quality kind of sucks because of all the drumming....but go listen to Gobbledigook and just imagine:)
i've decided that Irresistible Revolution has really ruined my life
especially when it comes to shopping...
i go out
try on some clothes
decide to buy them
and shortly after i leave the dressing room
i remember...
i don't need this.
no matter how i look at it
i don't need this
how can i honestly spend 100 dollars on new clothes?
i saw a quote on a Shane Claiborne video by Ghandi that said...

"There is enough for everyone's NEED but there is not enough for everyone's GREED."
how true it is...

word..... loves you all.


hannahrae said...

great picture blog! people still keep asking me about the concert and i says, "let my burn you a mix, close your eyes and try TRY to imagine it."

haha or i go through the pictures i stole from my friend, play them in the background...but nothing seems to compare!

PIE CLUB. so great! can't wait for the pot pies!!!

JUAN said...
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JUAN said...

so does that mean you're selling all your stuff and giving the money to the Stirring?

We are really good at talking the talk aren't we...