Sunday, December 7, 2008


100th post. oooh, i should celebrate.
Sigur Ros is on the stereo-totally fitting..
Ara Batur
wrecks me every time.

first day back to work after 10 days off. ugh.
can't I just stay at home and get paid.....:)
time for a little nap
sleep was minimal last night
and the fogginess is just begging me to nap.
then I'll brew a french press
make some chocolate chip cookies
go grocery shopping
and off to church.

saw an old drunk man get tackled by RPD at the Squire Room last night
what a weird thing to see.

i'm trying to get into the Word every day again . . . here's what hit me this a.m............

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord…Hebrews 12:14



nina said...

i like how you didn't just list me as ninja, but THE ninja. a nickname i got all because i accidentally punched a guy in the face. poor dan.

Kim said...

I enjoy reading your blog posts Amy. I think you are pretty cool! Jerry too Ü I was hoping to get your address so I can send you a Faires Family Christmas card.