Sunday, April 6, 2008

writer's block.

i have a paper due tonight by midnight in my General Psychology class. *bleh* it's supposed to be on the major school's of thought and the biological foundations of psychology. *bleh* I've been working on it since 11 this a.m. and still haven't finished. 1100 words i believe is what I'm shooting for. ish. I have had THE hardest time concentrating today. maybe because its freaking GORGEOUS outside today..and here I am, typing away on my husband's Mac...would you believe that I took a break to curl my hair? yea, that's how NOT into this paper I am..:) oh well. it's about time to get ready for church..and then to WinCo I go.... must have food to feed my darling husband:) .... so then I'll be home in time for Extreme Home Makeover....and somewhere in the mix finish typing my paper up...and go to bed at a decent hour so I can get up and be at work at 5:30 tomorrow... bleh. oh well.. could be worse right? yes. it could be. time for a funny picture (i need something to make me laugh right now:) this one is for you nathan and erica and your little chihuahuas :) or is this a hairless cat? hhmm..i dunno.


Rosetta Borgic said...

This has nothing to do with your scary hairless dog... Do you want to get the video on Tuesday, or did you want to watch it Monday night?

nathan said...

we may breed our Chihuahua's this summer ... I hear Jeremy really wants one ... let's keep in touch ...